Quantum biofeedback is effective remotely as well as in person. Get an energetic picture of what is going on in your body right now.
What is Biofeedback?
The Indigo Biofeedback device is a gentle, non-invasive, holistic solution. In the first 5 minutes of a session, it gathers information about your body’s stress reactions by comparing them to a database of over 11,000 frequency signatures that are common in our environment and bodies.
The client is connected to the device via a head harness, wrist and ankle straps. These connections measure skin temperature or electrodermal response (EDR) using mild electrical impulses, also known as microcurrent.
The Quantum Biofeedback system sends signals to re-train the stress patterns of muscles, nerves, or organs and is shown to be effective for stress and pain management.
Statistics show that roughly 90% of disease is caused by stress, whether physical, mental, emotional, or environmental. Using Quantum Biofeedback to reduce or release those stressors can have far-reaching effects. Quantum Biofeedback is a powerful tool for those with complex chronic health issues.
Indigo biofeedback technology is FDA-registered, developed by licensed medical professionals, and research and evidence-based.
Biofeedback training is a complement, not a substitute, for medical or psychological treatment, and any ongoing treatment should not be discontinued without advice of your treating physician.
If the device is used long distance without straps it is called Quantum Subspace Session and can no longer be classified as biofeedback by the registration of the device.