Is Stress Affecting Your Health?

Have you noticed that being stressed out is almost worn as a badge of honor these days? People are overbooked, overwhelmed, stressed out, and just plain exhausted! Stress is bombarding us from every imaginable angle, affecting us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. All of that stress is taking its toll on our health. Estimates show that stress is at the root of 80-90% of all diseases! If we’re going to reverse the epidemic of chronic disease, it’s high time that we get serious about dealing with stress.

Think of stress like the layers of an onion. There are layers made up of physical stressors. These include dehydration, poor nutrition, lack of movement and sunlight, poor sleep, and exposure to toxins and radiation. Think about it. How many people are running on too much caffeine and not enough water, eating the Standard American Diet (SAD), sitting at a desk and staring at a screen all day, and then lying awake half the night?

Then there are the mental, emotional, and spiritual layers. These include financial worries, traumatic events, toxic relationships, family stress, work or school stress, and loneliness. Add in the fact that many people struggle to find their life purpose or feel disconnected from the Divine, and it’s no wonder that stress levels are running high. 

Finally, we are susceptible to the energy of people and places. We can be especially sensitive to the energy of our spouses, family members, and coworkers. As a result, we often carry other people’s stress or negative energy. 

The negative energy in specific locations can add another layer of stress to our bodies. For example, living close to a 5G cell tower or a power station causes serious issues for some people. If we are unaware of this, it can drain our energy and vitality!

Our bodies do a remarkable job of dealing with all the stressors in our day-to-day lives. But if we never do anything to deal with the stress, symptoms will begin to surface.

On the other hand, when we make an intentional effort to address all the layers of stress, we can shift into “rest, digest, and repair” mode, allowing symptoms to recede. Some great tools you can use to reduce and release stress intentionally include:

  • Biofeedback to reduce physical, mental, and emotional stress.

  • Breathwork for releasing blocked emotions and stuck energy in the body.

  • Gentle detoxification using tools like dietary changes, Epsom salt baths, dry brushing, and massage.

  • Herbal remedies to help the body activate its self-repairing abilities and replace the nutrients depleted by stress.

Is stress causing your health to suffer? We can help you peel away the layers of stress so you can feel healthy, whole, and free to enjoy life!


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